Monday, April 24, 2006

Sunday at the SCN

One of the benefits of having a small baby, is that you can bathe him in a basin the size of a shoe box.

Yesterday Nurse Marji showed Momma P how to bathe Ben in a "tub", now that his cord has fallen off*.

Marji even made it a little jacuzzi by adding soap and then the oxygen tube, so it all bubbled up.

As you can see, Ben definitely enjoyed the experience. I think he looks very mellow here. I also think (but don't EVER tell him I said this) that he looks a little bit like a wet chicken. But a VERY cute wet chicken.

He's been doing better with the eating thing. He still "desaturates" at least once or twice during a feeding, but it's not half as bad as it was before. He's alert before and after the feedings and smiles more often. He also becomes "Angry Baby" sometimes - screaming and turning bright red.

The goal is for Ben to go 48 hours with "no funny stuff" during the feedings.

* When we brought Ben home from getting his blood tested last Tuesday and were changing him - we noticed that his cord had come off. However, we have yet to find the cord. Hmmm... we're a bit scared where it will show up.

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