Thursday, April 20, 2006

Back to the Special Care Nursery for Ben

Well, the best laid plans... Ben came home on Sunday but last night we brought him back to the SCN so he could have a blood transfusion. We always knew he was anemic, but the hope was that by giving him iron and 40 mls of breast milk during each feeding that his red blood cells would increase.

Since he's so young, he still doesn't have the suck/swallow/breathe thing down pat - so eating was a chore. So much of a chore that he was pooping out before he could get all of the nutrition he needed. So, that "'turning blue" thing he was doing during eating (called Desatting - for Oxygen Desaturation) was getting worse. His low blood count was impacting his ability to stay awake long enough to eat. And when he's tired, the desat thing gets worse and worse.

I can tell you from personal experience, there is nothing more terrifying than seeing your baby turn blue in your arms.

The extra boost of Poppa Nick's blood should help him continue to grow and thrive. And, as he gains his strength back, he will be able to eat better and get the nutrition he needs. Please, please, please send positive thoughts his way.

It's all feeling very, very scary right now.

Above are some pictures from the past few days at home.

1 comment:

emmgee said...

What a gorgeous baby boy you have! I can't wait to talk to you and see how you and Nick are doing too-- hang in there. Sending all my love and good vibes, as always. . .xoxo Monica