Saturday, August 23, 2008

Happy 5 Months Max!!

Nick took Max to a family gathering this afternoon while I stay at home with one feverish Ben. It is, I think, the first time that Max has left the house for more than a stroll around the block without me. Ben is upstairs sleeping because, as I am sure you all know, the rule in our house is "After lunch, everybody takes a rest."

So here I am, a mother of a 5 month old and a 2year 5month old. Some days I still can't imagine how this all happened. Well I clearly understand how it happened, but I guess I mean I am still astounded that it happened at all. 2 kids. 2 beautiful, amazing kids.

Max, all of a sudden, has become a real baby. I know, he's always been real, especially real when screaming his head off in a fit of colic. But now he's like a cute-baby-on-a-long-distance-phone-call-comercial baby. He smiles on cue, drools with perfection, and squeals with delight at the sight of his big brother and his favorite blue elphant toy. Ironically, of course, that just as he's getting way more fun, I have to go back to work and he has to start "school". But, as I continually rationalize, it's only for three days a week.

It's hard to believe that Fall is just around the corner and that Max has been with us for almost half a year. My mother always says about time with little babies "sometimes the days go by slowly, but somehow, the months fly by." How true, how true.

I must confess, to those who haven't heard me blather on about this, that the first few months TOTALLY kicked my ass. I mean, I couldn't believe how hard it was. But then, I realized that I could handle it. Handle the one child screaming while trying to feed the other, handle the both children screaming while trying to feed one, handle EVERYBODY screaming for no apparent reason.

And, once I conquered the fear, I remembered how absolutely delicious this is. This family of boys who snuggle and coo and giggle and smile at their Momma with such love in their eyes that it fills your heart and makes you shake your head in disbelief and wonder "how on earth did I get so lucky?"

Happy 5 months Max.