Wednesday, October 25, 2006

So Grown Up

All of a sudden, this baby looks like, well, a kid. A kid with a buzz cut, to be more precise. We're very impressed with Ben's ability to hold a bottle and we're also quite impressed (especially Daddy) with Ben's ability to grown his hair back.

Cutest Pumpkin in the Patch

Two weekends ago we went to pick out pumpkins with Poppy Stan and Uncle Steven. Ben refused to pose in the requisite "Cute Kid Surrounded by Pumpkins" photo. He much preferred the arms of Poppy Stan. (Thanks Uncle Steven for the picture!!)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Ben VS Mazie

Ben has also finally noticed Mazie. He follows her with his eyes as she scampers across the room. When she's in a good mood, she even lets him "pet" her. When she's not in a good mood, she finds interesting places to escape from his grasp.

Ben VS Pretzel #2

Well, back in May, Ben's entire body was bigger than a jumbo pretzel.
Now, his big ole melon head is bigger than a handmade PA Dutch pretzel.

At Ben's 6 month check-up, Ben's head size was in the 81st % on the growth chart. His weight and height were 30% and 25% respectively. A bit out of proportion, but cute as a button ~ a button with a very big head ~ but cute nonetheless.

In addition to growing lots of brains, Ben has been known to:
  • Roll from back to front (he hasn't quite made it front to back yet. We think his big budda belly is in the way)
  • Sit unassisted for more than a blink of an eye.
  • Realize that there's a world behind him, so he keeps turning his head from side to side.
  • Eat cartons of sweet potatoes, squash, and carrots in one sitting.
  • Grab with precision (especially Momma P's hair)
  • Chat up a storm

Friday, October 06, 2006


This is Ben. He loves sweet potatoes. I mean, he REALLY loves sweet potatoes.