Thursday, May 04, 2006

A Beautiful Routine Sets In

What a joy this is - having a beautiful, snuggly baby home with us. We are so very lucky.
Ben has gained 7 ounces in a week - he's over 6 pounds. We went to the "Apnea Clinic" on Monday and all of the alarms thus far, thankfully, have been false.

Ben is getting more alert, staring at objects (or, best of all, Momma and Poppa P), smiling a bit, pooping A LOT. He's just a joy.

My life has changed dramatically - I wash bottles, wash Ben, fill the bottles (by pumping), empty the bottles by feeding Ben, wash Ben after feeding him, wash his clothes after changing Ben.

After Nick gets home I try to walk around the neighborhood - I can't wait for the day to take walks with Ben. Next week Grandma Marcia is coming to visit, so I think together we'll be able to handle the walks.

Aside from the middle of the night feedings, when we are all sleepy, it's really really wonderful.

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