Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Happy 2 Weeks Old!

Today our little guy will be 2 weeks old. Or, 33 weeks old - depending on how you calculate it. With premies, it seems that you keep counting their gestational age, as if they were still in-utero, until they reach their due date.

Whatever, we're just thrilled with how he's growing.

You can see how his face is starting to fill out. He now weighs 3 pounds 10 ounces. One ounce more than his birth weight. Today they started something called "Bolis" feeding (pardon the spelling). This means, that while still feeding through a tube, he gets all of the breastmilk for a feeding within 30 minutes. Before they were giving the breastmilk over 2 hours. This Bolis feeding is more like how babies really feed - a few ounces in a concentrated time, every three hours. His little tummy is now getting used to this, so hopefully soon we will begin bottle feeding. Today, during his 2:30 feeding, I held him and gave him a pacifier. He totally sucked the pacifier for most of the feeding. This is a BIG huge step. This means that he's starting to connect sucking with getting a tummy full of milk. After the feeding he totally conked out in my arms. Eating, sucking, and breathing takes ALOT of hard work.

Ben had 2 ultrasounds yesterday. One on his head and one on his kidneys. His head is perfectly normal, which is great. His kidneys are retaining a teeny tiny bit of urine. There's some big fancy name for this. But basically it means that they are giving him a teeny tiny bit of antibiotics everyday as a preventative measure and once we get this guy home, he will see a pediatric urologist for another ultrasound. The doctors don't seem to concerned because his bodily functions are definitely working properly (and often). But, it's something to keep our eyes on.

Anyway, HAPPY 2 WEEKS BEN!!! We are so lucky to have you in our lives!!

Love, Momma P and Poppa P

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