Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Getting Ready for the Big Day!

It looks like Friday or Saturday will be the big day. Ben had his "sleep study" last night and it showed that he's having episodes of apnea (like his Grandpa Stan). So, Ben is now on caffeine to help regulate his breathing. The doctor's believe the apnea is being caused by his anemia. Hopefully both will get better in the next few weeks.

To prepare for going home, Momma P gave Ben a sponge bath today. The first picture is after the bath. You'll notice that Ben discovered his fingers today.

This is Nurse Barbara saying goodbye to Ben. Ben could not have grown as big and strong without the love and care of the nurses like Barbara. They are like Fairy Godmothers...
Here's Ben's room. Or at least part of it. The rocker is ready, the diapers are ready, even the window seat is ready. Now we just need Ben to be ready.

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