Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Exactly one year ago (if we're going by days of the week)

Please bear with me... but I'm feeling all sentimental and frankly, still in shock, about the fact that we have Ben in our lives.

Last year, on the third Tuesday in March was the ONLY day during bedrest I did not take a shower before Nick left for work.

And, it was the ONLY day during bedrest that I went up and and down the stairs twice before noon.

And, it was the ONLY day that I went into labor. Right around 12:30 pm I started feeling funny and called Nick at work. I then called Dr. Chitour's office. Nick came home, we went to the doctor's, everything seemed status quo. By 930pm we were at the hospital being "monitored".

And, well, the rest is history.

1 comment:

dillard said...

Oh what a beautiful, sweet one year old family!!! I remember your phone call from the hospital so well. Whew! Hard to believe it's been a year. He's huge!