Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Entering the Birthday Season 2010

We just celebrated Daddy's birthday yesterday. It was quite a day with homemade glitter cards in the morning and cupcakes after dinner.

But more than anything, Daddy P's birthday reminds me that the boys' birthdays are just around the corner. Then that sends me on a trip down memory lane, through the past four years to the days of bedrest and NICU. Once I make it through memories of Ben's first year, I shake my head in amazement that Max arrived when Ben was only 2. And, in a blink of an eye, Max is turning 2.

The boys are just wonderful. Max wakes up in the morning and shouts from his crib "Ben, where are you?" And, on a recent Sunday morning, Ben insisted that Max come to the bakery with us. "Special Mommy and Ben time" is no longer as exciting as spending time with his little brother. So I guess Nick and I are doing something right, that these boys are loving each other to pieces (and, well, sometimes tearing each other to pieces).

It's been months since my last post, and I am feeling completely inarticulate. You've heard it here before, but these boys are so sweet and delicious.

I cannot wait to see what the next year brings.