Monday, November 17, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

oh my goodness that was so cool, I have to post another one

Now that I know the video posting works... keep checking back for more!!

A little treat for our faraway friends...

Well, here's a treat for those of you who haven't heard the boys in a while...

Falling off the Blog-o-sphere

I know, I know ... it's been awhile. Family and faraway friends have been encouraging me (read putting on the guilt) to post some new pictures of the boys.

Since my last post, a few things have happened. Let's see... I went back to work; Max started daycare; we switched daycares because the infant room at Ben's old school, well, sucked; we went to see REAL LIVE THOMAS in Lancaster, PA with Cousins Will, Lainey, and Lucas; I organized another Harvest Fair; we all got sick; we all got better; we all got sick (gotta love daycare); we celebrated Halloween; we watched in amazement as Max learned to pull himself up (we think it's a bit too early, thank you very much, not quite ready for Max to be mobile); Max started eating babyfood; Ben somehow learned all his letters; Ben got a big bed; Max stopped nursing and started sleeping in his own room; Ben and Max started taking baths together; Ben has started using the potty; I got a hair cut; and Nick fixed things.
Really, we're just chugging along - enjoying each other's company, praying everyone learns to sleep through the night, gearing up for Thanksgiving.
The Pollaras