Yesterday I had a date with my son. It was a big day - I could drive for the first time since January 7th, it was my birthday, and Baby Ben has started to gain back some of the weight he lost. The nurses indulged me by allowing me to hold him for 30 minutes at 1pm, 5pm, and 9pm. However, all of that holding can be overstimulating for a little guy trying to grow - so for the next few days, we're only going to hold him for two sessions. Although all I want to do is unhook him from all of his tubes and monitors, put him in my pocket, and run out of the hospital - I understand that we need to do what's best for Ben instead of what would satisfy our parental desires.
After our 5pm holding, singing, and rocking session - Bella his nurse put Ben on his stomach so the special lights to get rid of jaundice could shine on his back. Before Bella placed him on his stomach, she gave me a BIG lecture that ONLY professionals can put little babies on their stomachs to sleep. For those of you who had children 20 years ago, or who have never been around little babies - apparently the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) increases when babies are on their bellies. So, I promised up and down to NEVER put him to sleep on his stomach. We thought we should document the occasion (we're pretty much documenting everything).
Please notice Ben's new eyeshades. Nurse Judy decorated them by adding lovely eyelashes. Also, please notice the photograph of MP and PP (Momma Pollara and Poppa Pollara) in Ben's isolette. Nurse Barbara was insistent that we decorate Ben's isolette. Someday soon, hopefully, Ben will not need to wear the eyeshades and so can stare at the picture of his goofy parents.